Largo Key Conference Center
French Reef
Carysfort Reef
Breakout Rooms
Molasses reef
Largo Key Conference Center can host up to 200 guests in the Largo Key Ballroom.
French Reef can accommodate up to 50 guests.
Carysfort Reef can accommodate up to 20 guests.
Set your team up for success and productivity in one of four breakout rooms: Fiesta Key, Palm Key, Grassy Key, and Conch Key. Each is ideal for 15 to 40 guests.
Molasses Reef can accommodate up to 50 guests.
Meeting Experiences to Explore

Stylish, cozy accommodations with furnished balconies and beautiful water views
Delectable on-site dining options
16,384 square feet of indoor and outdoor event space
Marina access
State-of-the-art wellness spa
Spacious resort pool overlooking the water