Eat and Drink


Whether you're planning where to go next or what to do on an already‑booked vacation, discover the travel destinations with Opal

6 Last Chances for Summer

Summer may be winding down, but not before you make one more splash to send it out in style. Here, we list six quintessential experiences – from digging into a classic Downeast lobster dish in Bar Harbor, Maine, to a night out on the town in downtown Delray Beach, Florida – to eek into your summer bucket list before the season sneaks away. Read More

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A key lime pie set on a swirl of garnish.

A Delicious Debate: What’s the Best Key Lime Pie in Key West?

There’s no arguing that savoring this silky, sweet, and tart treat is a must-do when in Key West. What is up for debate, however, is the truly proper way to prepare the iconic pie. Luckily, there are a multitude of variations to dig into across the island – including two twists from our Opal resort restaurants – so grab your fork and find out which side of the fence your tastebuds stand. Read More

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